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International Forestry Carbon Credit – the TerGo Foundation standard for agroforestry projects.

Why do we need agroforestry project standards? What exactly are such projects? And why is it extremely important they meet the European Union guidelines? Let`s find out!

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Klementyna Sęga

Cultural expert, educator and promoter of sustainable development. She writes and talks about responsible choices

Our planting methodology optimizes CO2e uptake and improves soil and tree growth conditions. As a result, CO2 storage underground is increased.

The International Forestry Carbon Credit is a tree-planting methodology consistent with the most up-to-date scientific knowledge. The standard is a tool used to fight global warming that simultaneously improves living conditions for people in areas already affected by climate change. Its creation was driven primarily to spread the idea of sequestration projects that, at the same time, restore biodiversity.

What exactly stands for emission offsetting?

Offsetting means capturing already emitted carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, or in other words, financing the elimination of a certain amount of greenhouse gases equal to the emissions generated. Offsetting is, therefore, the investment in a project whose positive climate impact is expected to be equal to or greater than one’s harmful actions. However, offsetting CO2e emissions should not be the only element of a corporate sustainability strategy. If this is the case, we are dealing with greenwashing. Offsetting must always be preceded by counting and reducing emissions and implementing a long-term plan to achieve the lowest possible emissions outcome.

Agroforestry projects and carbon credits

An Agroforestry project is a type of sequestration project or project that absorbs greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Planting trees is the best and the most effective way nature gives us to absorb CO2e.


One ton of greenhouse gases absorbed generates one carbon credit. Thanks to agroforestry projects, we can generate high-quality carbon offsets. In addition, by planting trees, we restore biodiversity and improve soil, water and air.


By buying offsets from a transparent and credible agroforestry project, we are paying back the loan the environment has given us. We have already started financing the planting of trees, but reaching the minimum storage time needed to neutralize a certain amount of greenhouse gases takes time.


Offsetting is very helpful in the fight against climate change, which proves that companies are taking responsibility for their emissions. It should, however, be only the final step to achieving carbon neutrality (net-zero).

How to distinguish between trustworthy projects and greenwashing?

Although agroforestry projects are based on perfectly valid objectives, people’s interest in them is not necessarily based on moral grounds. Therefore, as they become more popular, the need to validate and verify plantings also increases. An agroforestry project run under a complete and reliable standard should be monitored, audited, and financially transparent. It also must have a system for recording plantings and evaluating their effects.


As per the European Commission’s new certification of carbon removals proposal, each sequestration project should implement the QU.A.L.ITY criteria:

  • Quantification: Carbon dioxide removal activities must be accurately measured and bring unequivocal climate benefits;
  • Additionality: Carbon dioxide removal activities must go beyond existing practices and legal requirements;
  • Long-term storage: Certificates are allied with the required carbon storage period to ensure long-term storage;
  • Sustainability: Measures taken to remove carbon dioxide must be sustainable and protect the Sustainable Development Goals.

The introduction of an EU-wide, voluntary framework to reliably certify high-quality carbon dioxide removal is expected to develop new technologies, strengthen sustainable agriculture, and help the European Union achieve its climate, environmental and zero greenhouse gas emissions goals by 2050.


Always invest in these agroforestry projects that fall under a reliable and transparent standard that promotes climate justice aligned with scientific knowledge. The International Forestry Carbon Credit certification created by TerGo is already ahead of EU regulations and meets EU quality criteria defined as QU.A.L.ITY.

Why start your own agroforestry project?

The TerGo Foundation created the IFCC standard to support anyone who wants to start their own project. Our planting methodology optimizes CO2e uptake and improves soil and tree growth conditions. As a result, CO2 storage underground is increased.


The TerGo standard incentivizes the reforestation of new areas and increases the protection of already existing ecosystems. It also creates new financial opportunities for farmers, providing an alternative to traditional farming methods that often cause soil degradation and contribute to biodiversity loss. Incorporating the IFCC standard guarantees an additional income for farmers – in the form of yields gained and the ability to produce and sell VERs, i.e., Verified Emission Reduction. Turning uncultivated land into agroforestry projects creates new jobs, strengthens entrepreneurship and local residential communities, and introduces the latest scientific and technological innovations to developing countries. Thanks to it, we support their adaptive capacity and resilience to climate change.


The International Forestry Carbon Credit standard, unlike existing standards on the market, has a very low financial entry threshold. The Foundation does not charge a registration or review fee, and the brokerage fee applies only to VERs sold, not created. Launching the project does not require significant investment or capital at the start. The only costs (up to several times lower than the prices of competing standards!) incurred by the project owner are related to the project’s validation and verification, which take place at later stages of the project.

Agroforestry projects compliant with the IFCC TerGo standard:

  • improve the condition of the environment;
  • contribute to the global fight against climate change;
  • improve the living conditions of communities that are already threatened by the effects of global warming;
  • are based on the most up-to-date scientific knowledge on regenerative crops and polyculture agriculture (planting plans were created in cooperation with scientists);
  • produce results we have evidence of! (See: TerGo agroforestry project in Belize).


Launch your own agroforestry project, positively impact the Planet and be a part of the climate justice movement! Download the International Forestry Carbon Credit standard and get started today!